“But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven” (Matthew 10:33).
You cannot hide, or hide from, the blessings of the LORD. I have always been very “private” when it comes to my personal life and even personal possessions. However, for the past couple of years the LORD has silently rebuked me concerning my “privacy” issues. Everything God has allowed to enter into my life correlates to my giving. I am a Kingdom giver. The Word of the LORD says, “For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you” (2 Corinthians 9:10). As you consistently sow into His Kingdom, God will consistently give you more seed to sow into the lives of others.
Karma suggests, “You will get back what you have poured out,” but Kingdom illustrates, “You will get back more than what you have poured out.” God’s multiplication is supernatural.
The Word of God says, “Obedience is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22). When the LORD broke that down to me, all I could do was weep before Him. Sometimes all you have is a “sacrifice.” Sometimes the only thing you hear is that one “sacrifice” speaking to you asking, “Where are you taking me?” And begging you not to lay it down on the altar! What do you do when a “sacrifice” is all you have to give? Well, you lay it down, leave it there, and watch God resurrect abundance and overflow into your life!!!
There have been times when I’ve had to do some creative-giving. I remember when I gave my first $10,000 seed, and I also remember when I gave my first $25.00 sacrificial seed that broke the spirit of poverty over my life. For me it was $25.00, for you it may be less or even more. From the seeds I’ve planted, I can say the LORD is still multiplying supernaturally in my life. I have owned 3 homes, living in my 4th. I own an airplane and fly it daily as my primary mode of transportation to and from work. God is not finished. ALL that I have is because of my obedience and consistency in the area of giving.
Kingdom giving is my means of survival.
I am not saying this to brag about what I have, but I am saying this to help someone break through financial struggles, poverty mindsets, and lack. “The LORD is Your Shepherd you shall NOT want….” When you seek Him first, He will add the “things.” I know, I know. I hear you saying it’s not all about accumulating “things,” because they will not go with you when you leave this earth. But while you are living on the earth, God wants you to have them as a testimony to others, giving Him all of the glory for the “things” that only He alone could give to you.
I started with Matthew 10:33, because God spoke to me and said, “You are denying Me, by not acknowledging how I have blessed you.” I will no longer deny Him. “For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus” (Revelation 19:10), and my life is a clear witness for Jesus. If I deny this, He will “deny [me] before [His] Father in heaven.”
I challenge you to sow into the Kingdom of God and watch God open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings that you will not have room enough to receive. It starts with just one (1) sacrificial seed.
Prophetic Blessings!
Prophetess Jocelyn
2 thoughts on “The Sacrificial Seed”
This is a timely message. I was just sharing with someone yesterday how God is commanding seeds I planted sacrificially 15 years ago to bless me today…without any action on my part. The spirit of poverty is a root of much dysfunction in families and communities. I have felt the affliction of it. It anchors itself and causes people to make decisions that dishonor God, and therefore bring forth destruction. But I believe and know that if we see money as a seed, and we sow with the intent to please God rather than to try to meet our own needs…He will provide for us at a level exceedingly and abundantly above anything we could ever ask, think, or imagine. It may not be what we had in mind, but the need will be met and it will lead us to greater. My money mantra is: I love God; I use money as an instrument for His glory.
Scriptures I meditate on in this area are Luke 16:10; 13-15
Jocelyn Buckley
Wow Sis Nina that is powerful…”God is COMMANDING seeds that I planted sacrificially 15 years ago to bless me today…” My sister what you/we have planted in faith, must produce! It is an irreversible Kingdom principle. LOVE your “money mantra.” Thank you for sharing such powerful truths steeped in wisdom, knowledge, and revelation.
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