Southwest Prophetic Institute

“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit” (John 3:8).

The Holy Spirit (wind) was with God in the beginning. It hovered over the face of the waters and still hovers over locked dreams, visions, goals, and aspirations, waiting patiently to hear your “let.” In the beginning God spoke “let there be,” and it became. Your “let” gives the Spirit of God permission to unlock and unleash the desires of your heart. Once your “let” is heard, the Holy Spirit will begin to move until your earth produces.

Since the beginning of time you were predestined to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28).

God’s multiplication is supernatural.

God was able to feed thousands with only two fish and five loaves of bread (Luke 9:16). His supernatural multiplication begins with one idea, one vision, or one seed planted into your spirit. When you take that one idea and lift it up to the heavens, God will speak strategies, techniques, and plans that will franchise the vision and generate abundant blessings from multiple streams.

Do not bury your idea in the earth. Lift it up to the heavens for God to send the increase. In the Parable of the Talents the person given the one talent hid it in the earth, and the two who were given two and five talents went out and multiplied their talents (Luke 19:14-30). What are you doing with the talents (ideas) God has planted in your spirit? Are you working the ground so that they can multiply, or did you bury them in your earth?

There are so many ideas  buried in tradition, fear, insecurity, doubt, and even the grave. In the Parable of the Talents, the person given the one talent allowed fear to stifle his creativity and therefore did not see increase.

Fear has a paralyzing effect. It stifles creativity and leaves us wandering in a false illusion about ourselves for years. If fear isn’t conquered, we can wander for a lifetime.

Give yourself permission to dream, to be successful, and to lead a prosperous life, even if you have to do it afraid and alone! God does not waste His seed nor invest His ideas in us for us to bury them. He wants to see a return on His Kingdom investment. He expects fruitfulness. If you have buried your ideas in the graveyard of your soul, they can be resuscitated and resurrected today.

The Holy Spirit is waiting for your permission to blow over your ideas and spread it across the nations to germinate and reproduce after its kind.

The Holy Spirit is waiting for you to unleash your “Let!”


Prophetess Jocelyn

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