Southwest Prophetic Institute

Look up and rise above!

As a certified private pilot, my experience in the air has been that of intrigue, fascination, and spiritual enlightenment. Piloting in the air is analogous with navigating through the maze of life. God, as the ultimate Navigator in our lives, has equipped and empowered us to soar through every contrary cloud we encounter and has provided us with the lift to rise above them. In the case of an airplane, the resistance caused by the air-flow over an airplane’s wings gives it lift. In our case, the Spirit of God lifts us above the resistance we encounter in life. Every fiber of our being is made to fly through God’s prophetic air.

As a child growing up in southern Mississippi I never imagined I could fly. The idea of piloting never crossed my mind. In fact, the thought of being 30,000 feet above the ground created fear in me. During my childhood years I rarely looked beyond the limits of my own surroundings. I neglected to look up because of the comforts I gained in mentally gazing down. I gazed down at impoverished neighborhoods; the racial, cultural, political, and economical lines dividing our communities; the mistruths portrayed about my history—black history. I became so engrossed with the ground that I failed to see the beauty in the skies.

My dreams and aspirations were quickly buried in the Mississippi mud because I didn’t lift my thoughts into a higher plateau. I allowed my environment to limit my thinking and inhibit my imagination. I allowed my thinking to dictate my course, and one has a tendency to travel in the direction of one’s thoughts. When I changed my thinking, my direction changed.

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5).

Your journey to capture your dream begins when you take on the thoughts (mind) of Christ. There may be delays or rerouting along the way, but a delay doesn’t constitute denial and rerouting doesn’t mean a revoke. Nothing can stop a focused and determined mind that has been renewed by the power of God. As your mind is renewed, your thoughts will lift in the direction God has designed for you to fly—and that is up.


~Prophetess Jocelyn


2 thoughts on “The Prophetic In Flight: You were made to SOAR!

  • Kenya

    Going Up!

    • Jocelyn Buckley

      Yes you are!

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